28 minutes ago, Pottermore.com was launched as an "online Harry Potter experience". I anticipated the owls gathering and JK Rowling's announcement as something incredible, but her video announcement basically said nothing. Apparently, this website is going to be about the readership of Harry Potter interacting in Harry's world online and Rowling will also release some information about the series that she has been keeping to herself all this time. While this is a pretty cool idea, the whole fanfare about the owls gathering and her big announcement was basically the dumbest thing ever, because it was kind of an anticlimatic announcement, wasn't it?
On the other hand, this is JK Rowling we're talking about. She is a certified genius. Her website has more portals and secrets than I could ever start to imagine discovering. So while I'm a little disappointed by the nonanswer to my questions about Pottermore, I have no doubt in my mind that it will probably be mindblowing.