
Date Rape is a Lie

This is a very serious topic. There are people suffering out there, and the fact that people aren't aware of this extremely important cause is very sad. My heart goes out to you, date rapists.

I find the term "date rape" extremely contradictory. If you're going on a date with a guy, obviously your ultimate goal is not to share stories about your childhood and shit. If you go on a date with a guy, and you're leading him on by kissing him and flirting and winking and doing that foot rubbing thing, the entire time you're eating your appetizer all he can think about is Awww yeahh Ima get some.

So then you go back home and he starts putting the moves on you, and you continue to lead him on and it just goes on and on and on and poor Mr. Horny has a huge boner and then you won't let him follow through.
Bitch, that's the worst thing you can do. Do you not understand that men biologically NEED SEX? The only way he's ever going to get rid of his blue balls is to masturbate right there in your bedroom, so you can either participate in the activity with him or awkwardly pretend to do something else while he relieves himself. Why are women so cruel????

Side note: All my knowledge and wisdom comes from much hypothetical thinking, and really creative friends. I do realize that this is a highly offensive blogpost, but deal with it. Just so you know, I'm only supporting date rapists who "rape" girls who lead them on, not ten-year-olds or anything.


Potter on Omegle: Dark Mark, Patronuses, and Beer

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: Hello there
You: whoaa dude
Stranger: Whoaaa?
You: the dark mark...up in the sky
Stranger: no freaking way...
Stranger: we gotta expecto patronum that shit
You: uhhh RUHTARD much?
You: you dont expecto patronum the dark mark you freaking bloke
Stranger: You do if you don't take Harry Potter too seriously
You: when you feel the dark mark burn, you summon yourself to the dark lord, not try to summon a goddamn silver beaver
Stranger: That would actually be freaking awesome
You: voldemort is probs getting a little impatient. shouldnt we get going?
Stranger: Probably not. I got some studying to do, and this is about as far as my knowledge on HP goe
Stranger: *goes
You: yes that potions exam tomorrow is supposed to be quite difficult
Stranger: So far I've only managed to make beer.
Stranger: A+ in my book, but the profs don't seem to share the view
You: ohmigosh make your own beer kit! i saw it in the as seen on tv store!
Stranger: Now you have GOT to be freaking kidding me
You: what?
Stranger: No matter.
Stranger: I gotta get going anyways
Stranger: have a good one!
You: thanks i quite enjoy beer
You have disconnected.


Spring and Pollen are in the Air

I'm one of those people who are extremely affected by the changing of seasons. Today is the first day of spring and even though I just spend the last half hour or so hauling manure up and down the hill from my car to the backyard, I have never felt better. The sun was shining, the breeze was tickling my hairless legs (that's right, bitches, I don't have to shave), and the sound of my sniffling, runny nose harmonized with the hum of my neighbor's lawnmower. I am newly determined to whip my flabby self into shape in time for swimsuit season, and I am also on a mission to find the strongest allergy drug out there.



Being Asian, I'm exposed to a lot of weird foods. I don't personally think it's that strange to eat chicken heart or shark or octopus, but apparently the only animals that are acceptable to eat are boring ones, like cows and pigs and chickens.

You would think that I would be down with eating just about anything, and if trapped on an island with no means of survival but the human corpses strewn about, many people would probably assume that I'm one of those people who would do anything for self-preservation. I thought that I was that type of person too, but the thought of cannibalism makes me really squeamish, and it wasn't until today that I realized why.

It's not the fact that I would be chewing on my friend's leg or whatever, because most of my friends have meaty legs and I would have a good sustenance, but I think about when I survive, I'm airlifted off the island safe and sound, and then...I have to go to the bathroom.

After you eat someone, YOU POOP THEM OUT. That's the part that scares the crap out of me, literally. Think about taking a dump and then looking at your shit as you're about to flush and thinking, "Oh hey, ABBY IS FLOATING IN THERE." I can't fathom the idea of actually pooping out a human being. I can deal with the eating part, I'm all right with the thought of having a person go down my digestive tract, but I cannot poop out a person. I'm already supposed to squeeze out a person at the other end eventually, and I just can't do it more than I have to. If I'm going to shit anybody out, they have to be alive.


#100: FCPS Is In Deep Shit

Almost a year ago, I started this blog because I'm one of those people with a million thoughts swirling around in my head, and once in a while one of them will shine brightly in the midst of it all and beg to be shared. Most of the time, these thoughts are sort of humming around in my brain, but once in a while, one of them will be shouting so loudly that it will make my heart race and my head pound and my fists clench because certain things in life make me angry.

Nick Stuban was on the tip of every tongue two months ago. As I wrote earlier, grieving his death must be done respectfully. However, being angry in the name of Nick is nothing but honorable. 

Do you realize that Fairfax County has several high schools on the Top 100 list, we are one of the wealthiest counties in the entire country, have passing rates on AP exams that puts the national average to shame, send students off the UVA and Harvard, and that Woodson is at the top of it all, being the number one school in the county? I can deal with the tough curriculum; I can roll my eyes at the last-minute school cancellations; I can take a deep breath when my 4 AP classes seem to engulf me; I cannot hold back the anger I feel about FCPS's hypocrisy. 

How can a schooling system that promises to produce upstanding citizens of society even say that when the only way administrators are insuring that is by stomping out the seemingly bad seeds? Zero tolerance: one mistake and it's all over. One mistake that a stupid teenager makes because whether or not he or she lives in the Bronx or the suburbs, there will be stupid teenagers. One mistake and the school is scared that their prestigious pedigree will be marred by an offense, shipping that student off to a different school in the county, as if that will make everything better. I thought that school was supposed to be some sort of Life Simulation: you aren't going to be coddled, but remember that life goes on. Zero tolerance is not real life. In real life, one doesn't fuck up once and life stops. Life goes on regardless of an obstacle, because obstacles are part of life, and part of learning about living is getting over these obstacles. If school is about preparing students for the real world, FCPS sure is doing a shitty job.

How can I sit in class and learn to discern between right and wrong, learn that humans make mistakes, learn about logic, when the very school system I learn from is breaking every single pillar of forgiveness, morality, and humanity that they have encouraged me to learn. Sure, it's okay when these virtues are discussed through Twain or Thoreau or Dickinson. But when it comes time to apply the curriculum, FCPS decided that it's much safer to care for the integrity of the institution, rather than the well-being of an actual human being.

What scares me is that I don't know who to blame. How can I be properly angry when I don't know who to be angry at? It's that argument that society is made up of people, and people are often ambiguous. I know the teachers at my school are as enraged as I am about the injustice of zero tolerance, but does that mean I have to start hating administrators? These people are just doing their jobs: implementing the rules. So who wrote the rules? Well, that's the part that comes right back and bites you in the ass. The rules are made by both parents and teachers and administrators, who are all part of the system that brought Nick down. Those same people are mourning his death. Hopefully they realize that they were part of it. Hopefully something like this won't ever happen again.

Not only is FCPS in huge trouble because everyone in Virginia knows about it, the whole freaking country knows about it. Not only did the Washington Post make it front page news, but TIME magazine also made zero tolerance and Nick Stuban an issue. It's a national epidemic, because society is obsessed with being perfect, and the only way to do that is follow FCPS's example and purge all imperfections.

This is my 100th post. Make this the last time I have to write about this.


The Integrity of Lying

Lying is a part of life because the truth is not black and white, and when it is, it’s hard to face. Degrees of reality often carry different weight for different people. Every time a person tells a story, certain details are augmented while others are either omitted or played down because the teller of the story thinks that certain parts of the story are more important than others. Every citizen of the world is such a storyteller, relaying events or ignoring them because we think some events contribute more to the general equation of life more than others.

Is not saying the something the same as lying? If I had gone to the bathroom and not told someone I had done so, would that be a lie? It wouldn’t, because me trip to the bathroom doesn’t amount to anything in the end. It doesn’t affect anything hugely on a grand scheme because it doesn’t really change anything. However, if I had gone to the bathroom and broken the toilet and not told anyone, would that be a lie? Well, some might argue that it’s not because I didn’t not tell the truth, I just didn’t do anything. However, that contributes the ending equation, doesn’t it? So I guess it is a lie.

But what if a broken toilet doesn’t really affect your life all that much? You might have other things on your mind, and a broken toilet might seem catastrophic to some people, but the supposed teller of the lie might not think so. That results in a conflict of integrity. Person A is a criminal of toilets because he or she didn’t say anything about the broken toilet. Person A doesn’t think this is a huge deal until Person B finds out about it and accuses Person A of lying. Who is right? Well, when a person of authority happens to be Person B, Person A is at a huge disadvantage. The toilet works fine, you just have to jerk the flushing thing a couple times for it to work. However, Person A is stuck paying for a new toilet because Person B wants to teach Person A a lesson. 


The Most Unproductive Day Ever

Went to sleep at 8:30 PM last night and woke up in a state of panic at 6 AM the next morning. By the time I got home from school, I was ready to just throw shit to the wind and have it hit someone in the face, because I just decided that this particular Tuesday I wouldn't give a flying fuck.

3:00-Watched Pretty Little Liars. That Caleb has got quite the bod...and the cheekbones. I have a weakness for cheekbones.
4:00-6:00 Watched Friends while pretending to read my AP Biology textbook. I'm not sure why it took that long because it wasn't even that many episodes.
6:00-8:00 Read the Secret Life of Bees for AP Lang (PRODUCTIVITY BOOST) and watched Friends bloopers on my ipod. Life rocks.
8:00-11:30  actually have no idea what I did. I'm pretty sure I sat on my bed staring at the ceiling or something for more than three hours doing nothing and not even know it.
11:30-1:00 Showered and spend the rest of the time (up until now) watching Darren Criss videos on YouTube. HE IS SO ADORABLE AND HANDSOME AND AWESOME. Mugglenet asked him in an interview if he would try to put Harry Potter references in Glee. OMG if that happened, it would literally die of happiness.

I don't really care what you say. Those pink sunglasses are sexy.