
I'm in a Haze of Unproductivity

You know those annoying people who put those Facebook statuses of their mundane lives, broadcasting to the entire world that OMG "sleep, school, homework" is like the most freaking profound thing ever? How many "likes" does one expect to get from a status like that anyways? Everyone knows that it's extremely embarrassing to have a status with no likes whatsoever. At least with a status like "lawlskis PANIS", you at least get one "like" from the one person who knows what the hell you're talking about. 

I liked Facebook back when you could see your latest status next to your name. Now, putting up a status is just like writing on your own wall, and it deceives the entire purpose of a status. It's like when you like your own post, which is synonymous to high-fiving yourself. Anyways, I used to feel that pressure to put up a new status because I felt that the very witty yet pretty old status I put up a couple of days ago was no longer relevant to my life. Now I don't feel that pressure and I don't spend twenty minutes staring at my computer screen thinking clever thoughts. Now I just don't share anything with the world except for my views on religion, Facebook, and Potter on this stupid little blog. Statuses are obsolete, people. 

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