Desperation is actually a really great way to argue a point. That, combined with ambition and anecdotes makes for an argument that will break the skin of any Asian Parent. Even mine, which are like the 4G version of Asian Parents. Every grading period results in a whole new version of tyrannical Asian parent toughness and strictness. However, I love my parents very much. I just wish I could jailbreak them so I could access all those apps. Whoaa...extended metaphor betch.
Anyways, I've had my permit for as long as I've been blogging, which is a longgggg time. I have driven a total of three times since April, none of which included fellow drivers. The first time was in the cemetery, as was the second. The third was parking practice in the park in a non-airconditioned car.
Tonight at dinner, I mentioned how my counselor suggested my taking a college class over the summer so I would have some credit and be able to skip taking it in school during the regular year. Of course, this practically gave the Asian Parents orgasms of academic excitement, but then I forlornly and wistfully said, "It's too bad. How will I ever be able to
go to school if
I don't have car? Sighhh." One of the Asian Parents follows a regiment of response to almost everything I ask or say or suggest.
Step One: I ask using active voice, with plenty of verbs and nouns, using simple sentence structure that gets the point across. In this case, though, I suggested it under the surface. What I really meant was
I need a car and to learn how to drive mother freaking please.
Step Two: The Parent laughs and comes up with a ridiculous response.
You could always take taxis.
Step Three: I give a withering glare.
Step Four: Parent either explodes at the glare or laughs again. Then they start rationally thinking.
Step Four radically changed this time because I then desperately whined that I would be destined to riding with my parents forever and ever, just like my aunt who lives with us.
What if I never learn how to drive for the rest of my life??
I don't want to be like Bac Thoa.
I guess I'll just stay at home next summer. Imagine you coming home from work just to drive me places.
Too bad I can't take a COLLEGE CLASS now.
I'm never getting married. Men don't like women who ride an electric scooter to work.
I'm going to be fat because I can't drive to the gym.
My bike is broken. If you don't get me a car, at least get me a bike with brakes.
How am I supposed to take care of you when you're old if I'm stuck at home all day? Huh? Who is going to change your adult diapers??
I got a semi-vague answer along the lines of getting a car and driving senior year. Reaffirmed hope=incentive to do homework.