
Goodbye November

The end of November is bittersweet and means the following things:

  • The holiday season is ripe. Indulgence is all about and the excitement in the air is enticing. I LOVE CHRISTMAS...even though I'm Buddhist.
  • Autumn is gone :( Winter is the only season I hate. If we have another Snowmageddon like last year I'm going to go absolutely insane.
  • My motivation for dressing will further decrease because all I ever want to wear is my monkey bathrobe and my yellow sweatpants.
  • My hair will look amazing. It actually doesn't look much different, but I like the feeling of cold air on my hair...it makes me feel like I'm in a Pantene commercial.
  • I will reject social outings for "innings" in my bed because it's so warm and lovely. Speaking of which...


Continued Review

Naturally, it's much easier to pick out the things I don't like about something than it is to go on and on about how great something is. I stand by the fact that the Harry Potter movie was quite good, but after some further discussion with my fellow Harry Potter geeks, here are some other things about the movie that should've been included:

  • Even though the Dursleys don't seem that important, they really are. I think that the makers of the film kind of overlooked that fact because the Dursleys aren't cinematically exciting, but the first scene of the movie should have included at least the faces of Dudley and Aunt Petunia as they leave Harry. That is the last time Harry will ever see his Muggle connections ever again, and it was a bit anti-climatic. 
  • Well, they finally introduced Bill. However, it was kind of offhand and awkward, as if it was just something the makers of the films had to check off a list. I expected him to look a bit more gruesome...but then again, there wasn't even a seen of Greyback mawling Bill in the sixth movie.
  • I HATE FLEUR. That actress is one of the only casting downfalls of the entire franchise. Almost every single character is perfectly cast, but I was disappointed in Fleur starting from the fourth movie. She's supposed to be gorgeous to the point that it's hard to look at! No offense, but that actress is just...eh. OH AND SHE HAD A BRITISH ACCENT INSTEAD OF A FRENCH ONE WTF.
  • They didn't show enough of Dobby in all the movies. I fucking love Dobby.
  • There was one tiny detail I'm surprised nobody noticed: the Potters' grave. It literally wouldn't have added any screentime to engrave the rightful phrase on the tombstone The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death because that basically foreshadows the whole Deathly Hallows thing.
  • I thought it would've been pretty cool to see Peter Pettigrew strangle himself, but I guess people who didn't read the books wouldn't have understood that. 


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

The long anticipated film finally arrived a couple weeks ago, and The Huge Potter Geek finally went to see it at 10 AM on Thanksgiving morning. I had read the book in advance, which probably wasn't a good idea since I found myself thinking about the book while watching the movie, but all in all, I thoroughly enjoyed the film and I was happy they didn't fuck it up. If they had, you bet a mob of fans would riot or something. I knew it couldn't be too crappy, since they had no choice but the loyally follow the book and do a decent job to satisfy the fan base. 

Pros: I cry every single time I read the scene in which Dobby dies, and I did during the movie too. Dobby is just so remarkably brave and loving, and the movie properly displayed everything Dobby represents. Also, I absolutely loved the how they told the story of the Deathly Hallows with those animations, because it was so different visually from the rest of the movie, yet fit in very well. The cinematography was spectacular in general. The filming was obviously very expensive and well executed. I also liked how the movie ended. I knew it was going to end at that point when reading the book, and the next movie will open with Harry at Shell Cottage, which is a good transition. 

Cons: The scene that really bothered me was the one with Hermoine and Harry dancing after Ron left. That was totally corny and unnecessary, and they could've better used the time to prolong the first few scenes. Speaking of, I might sound like a huge geek, but I had two major problems with the scene of Harry journeying to the Burrow. Firstly, I cried when Hedwig died...in the book, that is. In the movie, it was barely anything and I thought that was a little strange, since Hedwig was Harry's first connection to the Wizarding world. Secondly, Harry didn't do Expelliarmus, which was what would've given him away to the Death Eaters. This is important because it was an unusual move to be done at the time, and it was becoming known as his signature move. Instead, the movie claimed that the Death Eaters knew it was the real Harry Potter because of Hedwig, which is completely false. Also, I thought they should've included the scene of Kreacher having to watch Remulus Black drinking at same cave as Dumbledore did. I thought that would've made a cool flashback, but I guess they thought the movie was too long as it was. 

Overall rating: 8.5/10


On the Subject of Dying

One day I realized that those who I am very close with are going to die someday. Then I realized that I will die someday. Someday, I will cease to live. However, the funny thing about death is that even though it's the end to a life, death itself can fathom a new life of its own. When Michael Jackson died, his records were being sold like crazy because buying into his music made people prolong his legacy. Someday I am going to die, but guess what? I'm not really going to die. I am going to have a legacy that's so out there and so amazing that Michael Jackson will look pathetic.

First of all, what's with burying people? It's just a waste of space. When someone dies, the body has nothing to do with the soul. The body could be ripped apart or burned up or whatever and it doesn't matter because the body is dead. I believe that the soul goes on a journey after death to heaven or hell. I do not want my stupid body to be taking up space in a cemetery that could be better used for apartments or a park or something. I want to be useful even when I'm dead. Therefore, I present to you my Death Plan. Most people have Life Plans, but technically this a Life After Life Plan, because just because you heart stops beating, doesn't mean you can't still live.

Step One: Die. I'm not quite sure how I want it to happen yet, but I'll be dead so it's not like it matters too much.

Step Two: Donate my body to science. BIANCA FEIERSTEIN IS MY BEST FRIEND, and she totally agrees with me about death and all that. We actually formulated these plans together, strange as it sounds. We talk about everything. Our relationship is literally so close it's quite disgusting. Anyways, the scientists can poke around and use my organs or whatever, because I will literally be living on by doing so. All those people who are in wooden boxes letting their organs go to waste? SELFISH PEOPLE. If anything, donating your body to science will increase you chances of getting into heaven, so think of it that way.

Step Three: Bianca doesn't want a funeral because she finds them depressing. Well, no shit. She wants to donate all the money it would've cost to have the funeral to charity. I kind of want a funeral, so I will donate the same money used to buy a casket to charity, because....

Step Four: ...I won't need a box since I'll be cremated. After they are done with our bodies, Bianca and I will burn up our bodies and use to ashes to...

Step Five: ...plant a tree. Ashes are carbon, which is really good for plants.The tree can then be used to print newspapers or toilet paper or to build houses or make toothpicks. Nevertheless, I would have accomplished my goal of living after death. It's brilliant, if I do say so myself. I'm not afraid of death. I'm just afraid people won't do what I want when I die.


Blogger's Block

I have been absent from the blogging world for an entire ten days. My attempts at coming up with something clever have been unsuccessful. There were days that I found myself gazing at the White Screen of Blogger Death, aka the "New Post" template, blankly trying to come up with something to share to my readers. The past weekend, I read the seventh Harry Potter book again, which meant I was in such a blissful state, I couldn't settle on one thing to blog about. Therefore, I am simply filling up with this White Screen of Blogger Death with senseless ramblings from my topmost thoughts.

Today I thought a lot about the Harry Potter park. Judging from everybody's experiences, I seriously think I might die when I go there. I will enter the gates, be greeted by Hogsmeade and the castle of Hogwarts and realize that HOLY SHIT I'M HERE, and suffer from Harry Potter overload, and die. Seriously, I have this theory that it's going to be the best effing place in the entire world, and I will die of happiness. Harry Potter killed me. What a great way to die.


Sort Myself Out-Harry Potter

I am about to take the one of those Facebook quizzes about which House I am in

Another one

Now the really long Harry Potter Sorting Hat Quiz that is 122 questions long


The ONE Thing Chicks Can Do That Dudes Can't...Not.

Today in AP Biology, we learned about ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy describes the growth of a fetus outside a uterus, such as when the sperm fertilizes the egg outside the fallopian tube and cannot make its way into the fallopian tube to the uterus. Through the wonders of scientific technology, there have been a small percentage of pregnancies that have been able to survive long enough until the baby matures to a point, doctors go in with a C-section, and take the baby out on life support. Well, that sounds wonderful...but then again, THIS could happen: 
Surviving ectopic pregnancies prove that the uterus is not necessary for a pregnancy.
Get it? MEN COULD GET PREGNANT. Like, legit men. They could get preggos just like us chicks, and have protruding bellies not filled with beer, but with BABIES. This is especially beneficial for gay couples who want to conceive, women with ovarian or cervical cancer, or women with T-shaped uteruses (BABY MAMA!). 

I get it, its a miracle. But it's also really weird and I don't know if I can stand seeing celebs with baby bumps in maternity tuxes.