The long anticipated film finally arrived a couple weeks ago, and The Huge Potter Geek finally went to see it at 10 AM on Thanksgiving morning. I had read the book in advance, which probably wasn't a good idea since I found myself thinking about the book while watching the movie, but all in all, I thoroughly enjoyed the film and I was happy they didn't fuck it up. If they had, you bet a mob of fans would riot or something. I knew it couldn't be too crappy, since they had no choice but the loyally follow the book and do a decent job to satisfy the fan base.
Pros: I cry every single time I read the scene in which Dobby dies, and I did during the movie too. Dobby is just so remarkably brave and loving, and the movie properly displayed everything Dobby represents. Also, I absolutely loved the how they told the story of the Deathly Hallows with those animations, because it was so different visually from the rest of the movie, yet fit in very well. The cinematography was spectacular in general. The filming was obviously very expensive and well executed. I also liked how the movie ended. I knew it was going to end at that point when reading the book, and the next movie will open with Harry at Shell Cottage, which is a good transition.
Cons: The scene that really bothered me was the one with Hermoine and Harry dancing after Ron left. That was totally corny and unnecessary, and they could've better used the time to prolong the first few scenes. Speaking of, I might sound like a huge geek, but I had two major problems with the scene of Harry journeying to the Burrow. Firstly, I cried when Hedwig the book, that is. In the movie, it was barely anything and I thought that was a little strange, since Hedwig was Harry's first connection to the Wizarding world. Secondly, Harry didn't do Expelliarmus, which was what would've given him away to the Death Eaters. This is important because it was an unusual move to be done at the time, and it was becoming known as his signature move. Instead, the movie claimed that the Death Eaters knew it was the real Harry Potter because of Hedwig, which is completely false. Also, I thought they should've included the scene of Kreacher having to watch Remulus Black drinking at same cave as Dumbledore did. I thought that would've made a cool flashback, but I guess they thought the movie was too long as it was.
Overall rating: 8.5/10
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