
Date Rape is a Lie

This is a very serious topic. There are people suffering out there, and the fact that people aren't aware of this extremely important cause is very sad. My heart goes out to you, date rapists.

I find the term "date rape" extremely contradictory. If you're going on a date with a guy, obviously your ultimate goal is not to share stories about your childhood and shit. If you go on a date with a guy, and you're leading him on by kissing him and flirting and winking and doing that foot rubbing thing, the entire time you're eating your appetizer all he can think about is Awww yeahh Ima get some.

So then you go back home and he starts putting the moves on you, and you continue to lead him on and it just goes on and on and on and poor Mr. Horny has a huge boner and then you won't let him follow through.
Bitch, that's the worst thing you can do. Do you not understand that men biologically NEED SEX? The only way he's ever going to get rid of his blue balls is to masturbate right there in your bedroom, so you can either participate in the activity with him or awkwardly pretend to do something else while he relieves himself. Why are women so cruel????

Side note: All my knowledge and wisdom comes from much hypothetical thinking, and really creative friends. I do realize that this is a highly offensive blogpost, but deal with it. Just so you know, I'm only supporting date rapists who "rape" girls who lead them on, not ten-year-olds or anything.

1 comment:

  1. ...idk if i can agree with you on this one...there's never gonna be a time when it's okay just because guys are wired that way...just sayin...
