

Not about Harry Potter, but still awesome.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: im chipper!
Stranger: Chipper looked at his watch and realised he didn't have long
Stranger: His father would return any minute and find him there
You: he dashed out the door
You: but he tripped
You: on his shoelace (how lame)
Stranger: Chipper got up and brushed himself off, behind him he heard his father cry
You: chipper looked over his shoulder meekly and...
Stranger: Said, "not again daddy" chipper pulled a knife from his pocket
You: and started peeling the apple in his hand
Stranger: Chipper inserted the peeled apple into his
You: dad's nostril
Stranger: Lmao
You: the apple peel came alive!
You: and ate away all his dad's boogers
You: dad said:
Stranger: Chipper you mother fucking whore, look what you have done"!!!! Chippers dad realised it was too late. The apple peel grew into an almighty beast
You: it let out a terrible roar and said to chipper:
Stranger: Chipper, I love you. Take me to bed
You: chipper gave the monster some chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk
You: and read where the wild things are
You: soon the monster was fast asleep and at that point chipper went over to his father's mangled corpse
Stranger: Knelt down and sobbed. Chipper said a prayer and returned to monster
You: by monster was gone! in its place was
You: the*
Stranger: An enormous black dildo, chipper knew what he had to do
You: he got the fish sauce and poured it all over the dildo
You: then he go the wok
You: got*
Stranger: Chipper chopped the dildo into tiny pieces and placed them in a wok at medium heat
You: and started to sautee like fuckin bobby flay
You: he took a bite of the dildo
You: and turned into a ken doll with disproportionate plastic pectorals
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: Ken walked out the house completly naked and
You: looked down...good god! he had no penis!
Stranger: Ken knew what he had to do, he got his bike from the garage and took off
You: i was on the search for a penis
You: he biked and biked and finally arrived at
Stranger: A giant barbie factory in the heart of Texas
You: he rushed to the manager of the factory
You: he wanted to ask her where he could get the man hardware he needed but was distracted by her disproportionate plastic boobs
Stranger: Ken leaned over the counter and whispered in her ear
You: did they make you a special bra? cuz those things are uneven
Stranger: Cindy looked at ken with disgust, she pulled a double barrel shot gun from under the counter
You: it was pink
You: she shot it and glitter came out
You: ken said: omg! its ke$ha!
Stranger: Ken tried to wipe the glitter from his eyes but there was not use. The glitter blinded ken and cindy knew it
You: she popped off his plastic head
Stranger: Smiles and popped on s brand new head, but this was the head of...!
You: buzz lightyear
Stranger: Buzz couldn't believe his luck as he stared at cindys boobs, he asked her..
You: want to go back to my spaceship babe?
Stranger: She laughed and said "buzz, it's not real. Get the fuck out of here"
You: he yelled BITCH!
You: then he blasted her with
Stranger: Citric acid, melting her face. Cindy screamed and fell to the ground
You: buzz stole her jimmy choos and blasted off
You: he sold the shoes for 500 dollars and bought himself
Stranger: A oneway ticket to England, he knew what he had to do
You: buy himself a penis
You: bc british penises are beyond superior...woody told him that
Stranger: And woody was never wrong. Buzz arrived at heathrow airport, he knew he needed to buy a new penis, but from where? This was a strange land
You: suddenly it hit him...diagon alley!
Stranger: Yes if course. Diagon ally, the only place left on earth that could perform a penis transplant
You: but with luck it could be achieved by a wand
Stranger: Buzz called for a cab, he couldn't believe who was driving
Stranger: Dumbledore asked buzz if he wanted any
You: butterbeer
You: buzz said yes and poured it on his crotch
You: TADA!

You have disconnected.