Dear Junior Year,
As the summer months flew by and I frequented to waste a ridiculous amount of money acquiring prep guides and summer reading books that I ignored until about the last few weeks of summer, I thought about how my easily influenced soul was somehow pushed into enrolling into 4 AP classes. Every single reaction I got was something along the lines of WTF LINH, but I blatantly ignored it with a shrug. I tell myself that I am a self motivated, upwardly driven, ambitious, studious, and a multitasking phenom. Miraculously, Junior Year has transformed me into this superhuman with an undying passion for xylem and phloem, Powhatans and Puritans.
Remember Sophomore Year? My, my...that was the year I perfected the art of not caring whatsoever and somehow scraping by okay with a few nervous breakdowns. My homework schedule would begin after I ate, napped, checked Facebook 5 times in 15 minutes, and then staring at my textbook until I mustered the incentive to start cracking. There were complex systems of dividing work and cramming sessions in Sophomore Year, turning me into One Of Those Students That Don't Give A Crap But They Really Should So They Do At the Very Last Minute And Get An Ulcer.
Ever since the start of the school year, I have transformed into a robot human being that takes notes and outlines without really thinking anymore and relish six hours of sleep. I reward myself with fifteen minute power naps, when I dream about going back to sleep.
So, Junior Year. You suck. Like a lot. It's the second week of school, and I'm already turning into the Hunchback of Notre Dame from sitting in front of my laptop typing outlines for every single freaking class. Thanks for giving me physical deformities. Did I mention the mental illnesses I have apparently developed? Today I stood at my window making alien spaceship noises for a good 15 minutes because I wanted to blast my Honors Precalculus textbook with a laser. PWEH PWEH!
One Of Those Students That Considers Onomatopoeias Entertainment
Ahh, junior year.