
Memory foam is where it's at BRAH

Yesterday I got a full six hours of sleep, which is a lot for a weekday. I laid my head down on my new MEMORY FOAM pillow and as I was thinking about how freaking cool it was that my head was making a dent in  the pillow that the pillow would REMEMBER, I fell asleep. I had a good dream, too. I don't remember specifically but it had something to do with lifeguarding and waffles. Perhaps those were two separate dreams. Anyways, MEMORY FOAM is the one thing every academic-achieving student should invest in. Forget boring prep guides and Barron's flash cards. MEMORY FOAM, guys.

Actually, those Barron's flash cards are actually sort of amazing.

1 comment:

  1. I WANT A TEMPUR PEDICAMENTATHINGIEMABOB. or a memory foam pillow... that works too
